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Making sun room should pay attention to what? Time:【2018-4-29】 【Print】【Back】Views:
When the sun room in the design, what should be noted that this is a lot of customer problems, then constitutes a good sun room, there are several aspects that need to pay attention? Here we will explain you
Closed balcony to consider the contents of lighting, ventilation, insulation and other aspects of their quality can not be sloppy,
A sun room location, you should run the circumstances of its use and the sun into account.
For example, the winter sun dipped and sunshine time is short, the summer sun is high position, long hours of sunshine, but also noted that the position of the shadow of the trees and adjacent buildings. Eastern location can enjoy the warm sun while eating breakfast or working and avoid strong light in the afternoon. Southern location longest sunshine in the winter is still the case. Therefore, we must consider the shade and ventilation. The hottest summer in western position, because the heat will heat the air in the evening, we must consider shading and ventilation. West location less sunlight in winter sun room of little use. Northern location suitable for a small office, almost no light, but there are good shadowless light, you can adjust the temperature, or shielding the entrance to the sun. Light makes sun room temperature in a short time raised 10oC, 20oC even 30oC, so you must take into account its shape and settings.
2: the sun room shade and ventilation construction of two roles must choose good material will be achieved
Building Exterior shading by rail mounted on the roof blinds to complete. Roof ventilation skylights in the south and west of the building is essential, it is recommended that you use an electric fan, it can be hot air, placed at the height of the roof and walls can be thermostat; ground fresh air blowing, the air temperature regulation works well
3: Heating installation in the sun room, about what is said?
Indoor marble or ceramic floor heating in the lower part of the installation, while a very comfortable solution, but it does not apply to the sun room. Since the lower floor heating unresponsive, in translucent building, temperature changes quickly, heating can not adapt to changes in the sun, the clouds, and day and night in a short time. The heating device with a thermostat was much better, the ideal heating equipment can quickly and effectively respond to changes in temperature.
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